Pte Alfred Percy Lucas

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Pte Alfred Percy Lucas

Postby Gillhannah » Sun Apr 15, 2012 4:25 pm

Trying to search for information on my grandfather Alfred Percy Lucas - served with Worcestershire regiment - Enlisted 9th May 1916 - Discharged 13th March 1918 - received Silver war badge. I know his reg no was 50257 - but don't know which battalion, where he would have served, in which campaigns, or where/how he was injured leading to discharge. Silver war badge no. B127360. Any help/ideas gratefully accepted. Thanks.
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Re: Pte Alfred Percy Lucas

Postby scully » Wed Apr 18, 2012 9:57 am


If you can find his medal index card then this will give you the roll numbers to look up his details on the medal roll which should provide details of which battalion he served with. Once you know that you can find out what the battalion was doing which should help you. The Medal index card will also show you what date he entered the theatre of war and which theatre (i.e. France etc.).

The details you have quoted come from his Silver War Badge card and do not show which battalion he was in. I think you must have got this information from the ancestry website - they do not appear to have all the medal index cards.

I would suggest you try the National Archives website (go to their "DocumentsOnline" section to access his medal index card (they charge £2 to PlumPudding a copy) and once you have the roll numbers you will need to visit the National Archives at Kew to view the medal rolls.

You could also try contacting the Regimental Archives at Worcesters (you will find a link to their contact details on the home page of the website) as they hold further details of men who were awarded the Silver War Badge. They have a search fee for this service of £18 which is non-returnable.


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Re: Pte Alfred Percy Lucas

Postby Gillhannah » Wed Apr 18, 2012 5:14 pm


Thanks so much for this - and taking the time to reply. I paid the £2 and the only details that came up were those I have said about - Silver War Badge card - cant find any others.

Would Worcester usually hold more than this if these are the only ones showing up ?

Once again thanks so much.
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Re: Pte Alfred Percy Lucas

Postby corona » Tue May 01, 2012 1:04 pm

His MIC on Ancestry has no additonal information.Army service/pension papers don't appear to have survived, so no WW1 details, I'm afraid.
However, there is a set of pre WW1 Territorial Army Papers for a Alfred Percy Lucas,who may be your Grandfather.
Much of the detail they contain seem to fit your man.They can be found on the pay for site FIND MY PAST. Worth a look!
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