G G Grandfather Patrick Hogan - 29th Foot

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G G Grandfather Patrick Hogan - 29th Foot

Postby mikeprice1998 » Mon Jul 30, 2012 11:47 am

Researching my wife's GGG Patrick Hogan - 29th Regiment of Foot

He does not appear in any censuses and we have no record of him whatsoever except that my wife's great grandmother Mary Anne Hogan's marriage certificate of 13th January 1883 in Brixton gives her father as Patrick Hogan - Foot Soldier 29th (Deceased) - according to the 1881/1891/1901/1911 censuses she herself was born in Newcastle upon Tyne and the IGI shows this to be on 5th October 1852 (baptised on 14th November 1852 showing her parents as Patrick Hogan & Mary) - so apparently he was there in 1852!!

There is a possibility that he was at Newcastle Barracks at the time of the 1841 Census as there is a Patrick Hogan listed there as 'Private in the Army' aged 20 born Ireland.

Where were the 29th Foot serving or stationed in 1841/1851/1861/1871/1881?

Would Patrick & Mary's marriage be in Military Registers?

Would Mary Anne Hogan's birth be in Military Registers?

Did Patrick Hogan die whilst serving in the 29th and when - obviously before 1883!

The curator is carrying out research for me but is there anyone out there who may also be able to help?

Many thanks,

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Location: Wellington, Telford, U.K.

Re: G G Grandfather Patrick Hogan - 29th Foot

Postby mikeprice1998 » Mon Aug 06, 2012 9:58 am

Having now received the research results from the Curator we know that Patrick Hogan enlisted in the military on 4th July 1839 aged 18 and joined the 29th Foot in a draft of 26 volunteers from the 39th Foot on 26th December 1846 at Kussowlie, India - he became Regimental No 2464 and was 'discharged' on 13th September 1851.

He was not a recipient of the Punjab Medal for the Second Sikh War 1848-49 and was either left behind at Kussowlie for whatever reason or had already returned to the Depot at Chatham.

I am very grateful for the information given and wonder whether there is anything else known by anyone out there - presumably the next step will be a visit to the National Archives at Kew?
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Re: G G Grandfather Patrick Hogan - 29th Foot

Postby mikeprice1998 » Tue Aug 07, 2012 1:02 pm

Having now been through all 97 pages of the 1851 Census for the Depot at Chatham Barracks I can say that he does not feature and it can be assumed therefore that hew was not there on the night of 30th/31st March 1851 - so as he was discharged on 13th September 1851 it would seem that he was either still in India or was on the high seas on route back to Chatham.

I'm hoping that someone out there has further information and can help in my quest.

Many thanks,

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Location: Wellington, Telford, U.K.

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