1st Battalion Volunteers

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1st Battalion Volunteers

Postby davec2 » Thu Dec 11, 2008 11:26 am

Hello gentlemen, I am a new member and have only recently decided to collect cap badges to the Worcestershire Reg't.
I do not have a formal background to the regiment, I enlisted in the DERR as a boy soldier, in 1960, solely because at the time, I lived in Swindon and obviously, the DERR was made up from the R.Berks and the Wilts.
Back to the Worcesters, I recently acquired a white metal cap badge, the star and scroll variant but with a second scroll under the Worcestershire scroll with 1st Volinteer Battalion on it.
This differs from all the other Vols badges I have seen and also does not conform to anything in Roger Bennett's book ( Badges of the Worcestershire Regiment ), in fact, Roger, thru' a third party, has said that this badge didn't exist ( in his opinion ), however, Louis ( Webmaster Worcestershire Regiment ) has stated that it is a 1st Vols badge and dates from approximately 1918.
I would dearly love someone to come forward and say, yes, they have one or have seen one, thanks in advance..................
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Joined: Thu Dec 11, 2008 11:06 am

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