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Postby Kerry » Wed May 20, 2015 5:45 pm

Thankyou for accepting me on to this forum. I have recently been researching my Great Grandfather Private George Ward who is buried in the military cemetery at Richebourge L'Avoue France. My reason for my post is I have been looking through the photos that have appeared on the forum at the various battalions and my hope is someone may be able to help me. When my grandmother passed away we found a very small snap in her handbag of two gentleman obviously at an aid station and written on the back was "one of these men is my Dad " despite contacting the Royal Worcester regimental museum we have had no luck in identefing her Dad, we was informed that because of the bombing in WW2 the majority of records and photos were destroyed, this is very important to my family so im asking if anyone has any regimental photos that have names on them could help me please. His name was Private George Ward 11930 10th Battalion. Sorry if ive rambled a bit but very new to this thanking everybody in advance.
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Joined: Wed May 20, 2015 8:41 am

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