Gallipoli diaries 4th battalion Worcs

This section of the forum is for any enquires relating the the First World War covering the dates 1914 to 1920.

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Re: Gallipoli diaries 4th battalion Worcs

Postby Allyson » Thu Nov 26, 2015 7:21 pm

Thank you so much for sending me that cutting....that is exactly what I've been looking for. George Hardiman is my great grandad, with Walter and Alfred being his brothers. It has answered a lot of questions. :P
Posts: 9
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Location: Kidderminster, U.K.

Re: Gallipoli diaries 4th battalion Worcs

Postby beardie » Thu Nov 26, 2015 8:56 pm

Allyson wrote:
> Thank you so much for sending me that cutting....that is exactly what I've
> been looking for. George Hardiman is my great grandad, with Walter and
> Alfred being his brothers. It has answered a lot of questions. :P

my pleasure :)
steve beard
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Re: Gallipoli diaries 4th battalion Worcs

Postby Bill Hyde » Thu Jul 13, 2017 5:05 pm

Hi Allyson, My granddad Richard Smith Worcs 4th Bat 19419; and 1st Bat Cambs 330663, fought at Gallipoli and on the western front. Unfortunately as far as I can tell his service records did not survive and I only have his Medals Roll. I have tried to get some information for years but to no avail. My mother and Aunt said he did not work when he came back from the war because of his health however I can't find him on any war pension scheme or severe wounded data nor do I know when he was discharged and what his health was. I know he was a miner when he joined at the age of 26 and at some stage he was severely gassed. Was it with the Worcs I wonder? His death certificate in 1946 says he died of pneumoconiosis so he didn't have much of a life did he? I have checked the 1919 elector's rolls and he is not on it so I don't know if he was in the army in hospital or what. Maybe if I could find what he was doing when he was in the Worcs it will help me get a bit farther along a long path.

Bill Hyde
Bill Hyde
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