Lieut. R P Hearson Missing From WW1 Database

I have tried to contact via link on database but this is now disabled. I have the medals of Lieut. R P Hearson and his brother G N Hearson. Both were casualties in WW1. Richard Philip Hearson was KIA 23/3/18 with 6th Cavalry Reserve attd. 5th Royal Irish Lancers. He was gazetted 2nd Lieut. 13th service Battn. Worcester Regt. 4th June 1915. He was promoted Lieut. Jan 1916 and then transferred to 6th Cavalry Reserve in March. He should appear on the database. His brother George Neville was a private in 1/4th T. Battn. Devonshire Regt. DOW 21/9/18.
Trick. (Still looking for Chantler medals.)
Trick. (Still looking for Chantler medals.)