List of Officers by Battalion

This section of the forum is for any enquires relating the the First World War covering the dates 1914 to 1920.

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List of Officers by Battalion

Postby agius » Mon Jan 23, 2017 12:08 am

New to this group!

I'm researching these two (cousin and g-uncle) who I know were in the Worcesters but I haven't been able to find which battalion yet.

Capt Frederick Olaff Samut 1st theatre France Dec 1914

2nd Lt Leonard Samut Medal card says first theatre was 12-09-15 in Gallipoli. I know he went there with the Kings Own Malta Regiment of Militia (KOMRM)
(to be in charge of the Malta Labour Force working as stevedores on the docks) and then transfered to the Worcesters probably while he was out there , but maybe not. London Gazette says he was mentioned in despatches 25th Jan 1917.

Are there published lists of officers by battalion? Then I can pin down where they both were 100 years ago.

Thanks for any help.

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