9382 Private John Thomson 1st Bn

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9382 Private John Thomson 1st Bn

Postby Epsly » Mon Sep 03, 2018 10:52 pm

Hello all, I am trying to research detail on the service of my uncle John Thomson as above. He is my maternal uncle and died of wounds 24th July 1915. I have had some research done by the Mercian Regiment Museum which provided me with detail that he was wounded at Neuve Chapelle probably around 22nd/23rd July and died at Camiers hospital. The waters have been muddied a bit by someone telling me he was in fact killed by friendly fire.
I was carrying out family research and I was contacted by someone who had found a Dead Man's Penny in John's name buried under a path in a park in East London and was looking to return it to his family. I researched the list of men named John Thomson killed in WW1 (hundreds of them) and my uncle seems the most likely as the plaque was found not too far from where he once lived. Interestingly the Medal Roll Index card showed that his medals were returned and ultimately destroyed, because of that I was sent a new set which are now displayed with his Plaque.
I understand that his service number suggests he joined the regiment between May 1905 and February 1906, I wondered if anyone here has any access to other records that may help me piece together some more of his military life and family. Any suggestions or advice will be gratefully received.
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Joined: Mon Sep 03, 2018 4:11 pm

Re: 9382 Private John Thomson 1st Bn

Postby peter » Thu May 19, 2022 5:32 pm

Hi Epsley

If you are still looking for information regards Pte 9382 J. Thomson I may have some details of interest.

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Joined: Mon Sep 25, 2006 10:58 am

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