finding out about my grandad

This section of the forum is for any enquires relating the the Second World War covering the dates 1939 to 1946.

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finding out about my grandad

Postby Embag » Wed Jan 06, 2010 4:34 pm


I have been reading many of the topics that have been posted asking for information on their grandads and the replies they are getting.

I have asked my nan for information but she said that he never spoke about the war which is understandably. My grandad's name was Harry Bradley he was in ww2 the later part i believe i know he became a sergeant and that he trained in trieste and that he was dispatched to germany to guard the ss women.

I have done some research into the ss personnel staff once the soldiers took over the concentration camps and the ss staff were captured and can understand why my grandad may not of wanted to talk about the war.

I hope someone reading this may remember my grandad or could give me a little information on the research that i have found out myself

Kind regards

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