information on Grandfather surname Hovell

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information on Grandfather surname Hovell

Postby Joanne » Mon Sep 07, 2015 2:40 pm

I am looking for any information on my grandfather Sidney Hovell. This is how i was told it was spelt but looking at records it does bring up other initails before his name. I would like to know his servicenumber. I am not 100% sure but I think he was in the 1st Battalion within the worcestrshire regiment. He lived in Coughton on the boarder of warwickshire/worcestershire. He died in 1952 and my Dad was only 18 months so he has no information. I want to know what he did during the war years and if he was in the 1st battalion when it was caputure and some sent to POW camp. I am doing other searches. I am going to order his death certificate as I dont even know what he died of. I know so little about him.
Thanks in advance if anything comes up.
Joanne Bruton
Posts: 1
Joined: Sun Aug 16, 2015 11:35 am
Location: Birmingham

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