10944 Alfred Coldicott 4th Btn

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10944 Alfred Coldicott 4th Btn

Postby Coldicott » Mon Sep 04, 2017 7:23 pm

As hard as I've tried I have been unable to track down my Grandfather's date of enlistment (10944 Alfred Coldicott 4th Btn). I have managed to pick him out in the 1910 Barielly Battalion photos (A Coy) and this is about as far back as I can go. Is it possible to estimate his enlistment date by his service number or should I be looking somewhere I've not thought of yet?

Also, with the help of this forum and the Regiment's archives in Worcester (which I'm extremely appreciative of) I've managed to piece together much information about his service and that of my Gt. Uncle - George Keen, both in the 4th Btn. This has led me on a bit of a journey over the last few years, uncovering photo's and documents (both military and personal) relating to both these relatives and their service history. Once again, thanks for everyone's help.

Many thanks,
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