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29th Foot Regiment Soldier 1820-1821 PARTICULARS OF CLASPS

PostPosted: Sun Oct 24, 2010 8:50 pm
Good Day,

I wonder can some one help me with the following PARTICULARS OF CLASPS awarded to a Joseph Lyness 29th Foot Regiment Soldier 1820-1821, the document shows 4 clasps, I think the documents shows R.V.J. a.

Can someone explain to me what R.V.J. a means.

Any information would be greatly appreciated.


PostPosted: Sun Oct 24, 2010 10:16 pm
by scully
Hi Douglas,

The 4 clasps would relate to the Military General Service Medal (MGSM) which was a campaign medal. There were a total of 29 possible campaign clasps. Full list detailed below.
The letter you mention R. V. Ja. would simple be the first letter of the campaign clasp and would probably refer to the campaigns of; Rolica, Vimiera, and Java.


* Egypt
* Maida
* Roleia
* Vimiera
* Sahagun
* Benevente
* Sahagun and Benevente
* Corunna
* Martinique
* Talavera
* Guadaloupe
* Busaco
* Barrosa
* Fuentes D'Onor
* Albuhera
* Java
* Ciudad Rodrigo
* Badajoz
* Salamanca
* Fort Detroit
* Chateauguay
* Chrysler's Farm
* Vittoria
* Pyrenees
* St Sebastien
* Nivelle
* Nive
* Orthes
* Toulouse

Hope this helps,

Louis (webmaster)

29th Foot Regiment Soldier 1820-1821 PARTICULARS OF CLASPS

PostPosted: Mon Oct 25, 2010 2:37 pm
Good Day Louis,

Thank you very much for all the information, greatly appreciated.

It all a learning process.
