A. Pavett & R. Pavett

A. Pavett & R. Pavett
by ehewett » 15 Aug 2011 01:31 pm
I have inherited several items formally belonging to my relation A. Pavett 4027 who fought in the Boer War. These items are a 7mm Mauser (still in use), Queens Medal, Sash & Sgt. Stripes. What I also have is the ribbon for the Kings Medal but no actual medal. Is there any way of tracking this down?
One thing that is confusing is the DOD. In the roll of honour it is stated 18/11/1901 but I have an autograph + photo in my grandmothers autograph book of Abraham Pavett dated 07/02/1909. Something must be wrong?
I am also informed that A. Pavett served in Canada & India, this could explain a gold coin I have coming from India. Is it possible to trace the movements whist in the regiment?
Also, his brother R. Pavett was awarded the DCM on 27/09/1901, any information would be most welcome.
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Re: A. Pavett & R. Pavett
by Simon_Fielding » 15 Aug 2011 02:15 pm
Some details from a 'well known genealogy website'...
Boer War 1899-1902 - Soldier details
Rank: Lance-Sergeant
Soldier number: 4027
Unit: 2 Battalion The Worcestershire Regiment
Notes: ? War Memorials ? Sergeant Pavitt. Not entitled to KSA
The Kings's South Africa (KSA) Medal Clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902
Literary references:
Medal roll (from National Archives WO100 series):
Roll Page
330 152
Church, High Street. Tablet. CTV Berkhamsted Buckinghamshire England
Casualty details: Disease on 18 Nov 1901 at Heilbron (Official casualty roll location: Heilbron)
Unit: 2 Battalion The Worcestershire Regiment
Source: South African Field Force. JB Hayward & Sons
?: ? a town in the Orange Free State (Heilbron district; Free State), 90 km west of Frankfort. The district raised a commando (acting Cmdt C.R. de soaked;Cmdt L.P. Steenkamp; Cmdt J.C.H. Pistorius; Cmdt F.E. Maritz; Cmdt S.W. Naud
Researching the 75 men of the Great War Memorial of St Anne's Church, Bewdley, Worcestershire .
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Location: Cirencester Glos UK
Re: A. Pavett & R. Pavett
by ehewett » 15 Aug 2011 02:43 pm
Thanks for the information.
Could he have contracted the disease on 18 Nov 1901 at Heilbron but survived and transported back to England?
Intersting that there are names of the Boers in your information, the name on the Mauser rifle I have is J.C. DU PREEZ. Any history?
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Re: A. Pavett & R. Pavett
by corona » 15 Aug 2011 07:07 pm
To ehewett
Father - Abraham Pavett Snr. ex 612 Q M SGT 1/Worcs. died June 1909, aged 68, H.Hempstead, holder of the Army LSGC medal awarded 1878.
Son - Abraham Pavett Jn. 4027 Lance Sgt. 2/Worcs. died of disease November 1901, Heilbron S. Africa, awarded the QSA medal only.
Son - Richard Pavett 721 Col Sgt./ Sgt. Major 2/Worcs. awarded QSA and KSA medals and the DCM 27/9/1901 for special and meritorious service (Lord Roberts Despatches)
The service papers of Pavett Snr. and Richard Pavett can be found on the pay for site 'Find my past'.
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Re: A. Pavett & R. Pavett
by ehewett » 16 Aug 2011 05:50 am
Hi Corona,
Very interesting - thank you. I didn't realise there was an Abraham Pavett Snr.
This would now explain the coin from India.
I don't know where the KSA ribbon came from, may it was Richard Pavett's?
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Re: A. Pavett & R. Pavett
by ehewett » 16 Aug 2011 07:17 am
Hi again Corona,
I've been digging a little and come to a problem. Abraham Pavett Snr. had six sons but the only A. was Albert. Are you sure there was an Abraham Pavett Jnr.?
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Re: A. Pavett & R. Pavett
by corona » 16 Aug 2011 09:29 am
Hi ehewitt,
Araham Pavett Jnr. was born 1874 in Templemore Ireland where the 29th Foot was stationed.
He is recorded on the 1891 Census as living with his father at Charles Street, Berkhampstead.
His death is also recorded on Berkhampstead Church Memorial.
Richard Pavett his brother, was also born in Ireland and appears on the 1891 Census living his
wife at Norton Barracks Worcester.
Regards, corona.
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Joined: 16 Feb 2011 11:36 am
Re: A. Pavett & R. Pavett
by corona » 16 Aug 2011 10:21 am
Hi ehewitt,
There appears on the Worcesters Medal Roll for South Africa 4328 Col.Sgt A A Pavett.
This could be Albert A Pavett recorded on the 1891 Census along with Abraham Snr. and Jnr.
Regards corona
Posts: 18
Joined: 16 Feb 2011 11:36 am
Re: A. Pavett & R. Pavett
by ehewett » 16 Aug 2011 01:34 pm
Hi Corona,
This would be Albert Augustus Pavett born 1875.
Thanks for all your help.
A. Pavett & R. Pavett
by ehewett » 15 Aug 2011 01:31 pm
I have inherited several items formally belonging to my relation A. Pavett 4027 who fought in the Boer War. These items are a 7mm Mauser (still in use), Queens Medal, Sash & Sgt. Stripes. What I also have is the ribbon for the Kings Medal but no actual medal. Is there any way of tracking this down?
One thing that is confusing is the DOD. In the roll of honour it is stated 18/11/1901 but I have an autograph + photo in my grandmothers autograph book of Abraham Pavett dated 07/02/1909. Something must be wrong?
I am also informed that A. Pavett served in Canada & India, this could explain a gold coin I have coming from India. Is it possible to trace the movements whist in the regiment?
Also, his brother R. Pavett was awarded the DCM on 27/09/1901, any information would be most welcome.
Posts: 5
Joined: 15 Aug 2011 01:02 pm
Re: A. Pavett & R. Pavett
by Simon_Fielding » 15 Aug 2011 02:15 pm
Some details from a 'well known genealogy website'...
Boer War 1899-1902 - Soldier details
Rank: Lance-Sergeant
Soldier number: 4027
Unit: 2 Battalion The Worcestershire Regiment
Notes: ? War Memorials ? Sergeant Pavitt. Not entitled to KSA
The Kings's South Africa (KSA) Medal Clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902
Literary references:
Medal roll (from National Archives WO100 series):
Roll Page
330 152
Church, High Street. Tablet. CTV Berkhamsted Buckinghamshire England
Casualty details: Disease on 18 Nov 1901 at Heilbron (Official casualty roll location: Heilbron)
Unit: 2 Battalion The Worcestershire Regiment
Source: South African Field Force. JB Hayward & Sons
?: ? a town in the Orange Free State (Heilbron district; Free State), 90 km west of Frankfort. The district raised a commando (acting Cmdt C.R. de soaked;Cmdt L.P. Steenkamp; Cmdt J.C.H. Pistorius; Cmdt F.E. Maritz; Cmdt S.W. Naud
Researching the 75 men of the Great War Memorial of St Anne's Church, Bewdley, Worcestershire .
Posts: 80
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Location: Cirencester Glos UK
Re: A. Pavett & R. Pavett
by ehewett » 15 Aug 2011 02:43 pm
Thanks for the information.
Could he have contracted the disease on 18 Nov 1901 at Heilbron but survived and transported back to England?
Intersting that there are names of the Boers in your information, the name on the Mauser rifle I have is J.C. DU PREEZ. Any history?
Posts: 5
Joined: 15 Aug 2011 01:02 pm
Re: A. Pavett & R. Pavett
by corona » 15 Aug 2011 07:07 pm
To ehewett
Father - Abraham Pavett Snr. ex 612 Q M SGT 1/Worcs. died June 1909, aged 68, H.Hempstead, holder of the Army LSGC medal awarded 1878.
Son - Abraham Pavett Jn. 4027 Lance Sgt. 2/Worcs. died of disease November 1901, Heilbron S. Africa, awarded the QSA medal only.
Son - Richard Pavett 721 Col Sgt./ Sgt. Major 2/Worcs. awarded QSA and KSA medals and the DCM 27/9/1901 for special and meritorious service (Lord Roberts Despatches)
The service papers of Pavett Snr. and Richard Pavett can be found on the pay for site 'Find my past'.
Posts: 18
Joined: 16 Feb 2011 11:36 am
Re: A. Pavett & R. Pavett
by ehewett » 16 Aug 2011 05:50 am
Hi Corona,
Very interesting - thank you. I didn't realise there was an Abraham Pavett Snr.
This would now explain the coin from India.
I don't know where the KSA ribbon came from, may it was Richard Pavett's?
Posts: 5
Joined: 15 Aug 2011 01:02 pm
Re: A. Pavett & R. Pavett
by ehewett » 16 Aug 2011 07:17 am
Hi again Corona,
I've been digging a little and come to a problem. Abraham Pavett Snr. had six sons but the only A. was Albert. Are you sure there was an Abraham Pavett Jnr.?
Posts: 5
Joined: 15 Aug 2011 01:02 pm
Re: A. Pavett & R. Pavett
by corona » 16 Aug 2011 09:29 am
Hi ehewitt,
Araham Pavett Jnr. was born 1874 in Templemore Ireland where the 29th Foot was stationed.
He is recorded on the 1891 Census as living with his father at Charles Street, Berkhampstead.
His death is also recorded on Berkhampstead Church Memorial.
Richard Pavett his brother, was also born in Ireland and appears on the 1891 Census living his
wife at Norton Barracks Worcester.
Regards, corona.
Posts: 18
Joined: 16 Feb 2011 11:36 am
Re: A. Pavett & R. Pavett
by corona » 16 Aug 2011 10:21 am
Hi ehewitt,
There appears on the Worcesters Medal Roll for South Africa 4328 Col.Sgt A A Pavett.
This could be Albert A Pavett recorded on the 1891 Census along with Abraham Snr. and Jnr.
Regards corona
Posts: 18
Joined: 16 Feb 2011 11:36 am
Re: A. Pavett & R. Pavett
by ehewett » 16 Aug 2011 01:34 pm
Hi Corona,
This would be Albert Augustus Pavett born 1875.
Thanks for all your help.