Pte D Maybury 22461562 1st bn Worcestershire Regt - GSM

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Pte D Maybury 22461562 1st bn Worcestershire Regt - GSM

Postby johnjarratt » Sun Mar 15, 2009 3:51 pm

Hello to all.

I was recently contact by Mr Maybury, I run a site looking for Lost Medals,
asking if I could help him locate his lost GSM with malaya bar.

So I thought I would put a post here and ask anybody who has seen this medal to contact me, so that Mr maybury can be re-united with his medal.
He served with the 1st Btn Worcestershire Regiment during 1951-53.

Pte Thomas W Jarratt 4th Btn.
Posts: 45
Joined: Mon Oct 20, 2008 11:52 pm

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