Medal Roll

This section of the forum is for any enquires relating the the First World War covering the dates 1914 to 1920.

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Medal Roll

Postby lee johnson » Mon Aug 05, 2019 3:30 pm


I have researched my Gt. Gt. Grandfather ( GV Huzzey 6635) over a number of years and was confident that he served in the 3rd Battalion throughout WW1. I was a bit surprised to find on a newly discovered medal roll that he is shown as being in 2nd Battalion when he won it. I would post it on here if I could as I would dearly love to find out what he won the M.M. For and have never been able to do so.

The medal roll does have ‘Register Paper 61/121/364’ & ‘Schedule Number 117730’, can anyone shed any light on these numbers and what they relate to?
Additionally how could I find when and if he moved to the 2nd Battalion.

Again its a bit odd but his Red Cross record when he was a POW has him as ‘2rd Battalion’, I took the number a typo due to the use of the ‘rd’.

Many thanks.

lee johnson
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Joined: Mon Oct 23, 2006 9:17 pm

Re: Medal Roll

Postby John(txic) » Tue Aug 06, 2019 8:11 am

If you're really lucky, someone may have posted details here:

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Re: Medal Roll

Postby peter » Fri Aug 09, 2019 6:03 pm

Hi Lee,

Your G/G/Grandfather went to France in August 1914 with the 3rd Battaion. His MIC and 1914 Star Roll show him to be 3rd Battalion. The BW & V Medal Roll shows he served with 3rd Battalion (twice) and also the 2nd Battalion. He was awarded the M.M. whilst serving with the 3rd Battalion (see London Gazette 17/12/1917). Sadly its unlikely you will find out how he won this award because unlike the D.C.M. medal awards citations are not available. The reason for him serving two times with the 3rd could well be that at some point he was wounded (or sick) and on recovery returned for further service. He may have been wounded again and on being fit again for service was transfered to the 2nd Battalion (men would be sent where needed). His last service period was with the 2nd and that is why his PoW record shows 2nd Worcestershire. You could check newspaper wounded/sick listings to see if he was wounded/sick and if so the dates may give you a clue to when he tranferred to the 2n Bn.
He is on the 3rd Battalion Worcester Cathedral Roll.


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