Private Frederick George Dancox V.C.  (21654)
(9th October 1917)

4th Battalion Worcestershire Regiment. 
In the Battle of Poelcappelle (Ypers, Belgium). 

After we had made an attack at Ypres, Boesinghe Sector, Belgium the leading platoons started to dig in near a railway embankment, in readiness for a counter-attack; but an enemy block-house opened fire and hampered their operations. Officers and men were being mown down; rifle fire was useless against the block-house, so trench mortars were sent for, while the men sought what cover they could. Meanwhile Private Dancox, who had been one of a party of moppers-up, worked his way under heavy shell fire from shell-hole to shell-hole to the rear of the block-house, and, with a bomb in his hand, surprised the German machine gunners inside. They surrendered, and Dancox, carrying the gun, which he fired throughout the day, marched his prisoners back. Dancox was killed shortly afterwards in action, Near Masnieres, France on 30th Nov 1917. His Cross came into the possession of the City of Worcester, and is now on loan to the Regimental Museum. 

Private Dancox was 38 years old when he won his VC. 

The above painting by Gilbert Holiday shows Private Dancox holding his bomb ready to throw as he orders his prisoners off to our lines. This painting is in the possession of the Regiment.


Frederick George Dancox V.C. medal group

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