1st Battalion Worcestershire Regiment - N. W. Europe 1944-45 reunion of 2007
Some 27 old veterans and friends of the 1st Battalion Worcestershire Regiment met for their reunion dinner on Saturday 5th May 2007 at the Gainsborough House Hotel, Kidderminster.
Back row: Jim Carter (just visible), Major Johnnie Davies (Canadian Loan Officer), Captain Ted Tinkler,
Colonel Jock Bannister, Angela Arthur (Regimental HQ), Captain Rex Fellows, Bill Palmer.
Foreground left is Syd West.
Colonel Charles Potts, Colonel Mike Gabb and Captain Benny Goodman
Jim Wheeler, Jim Carter, Major Johnnie Davies (Canadian Loan Officer), Captain Ted Tinkler
In the foreground on the right is Arthur Line.
Back: Captain Ted Tinkler, Colonel Jock Bannister, Angela Arthur, Captain Rex Fellows
Tommy Dutton, Barry Freeman, Alan Hitchcock. Major John Bailey and Arthur Line
Around the table left to right: Captain Ted Tinkler, Colonel Jock Bannister, Angela Arthur, Captain Rex Fellows, Private Bill Palmer (hidden), Friend of Bill Palmer, Major Bob Prophet, Clive Dupree (brother of Geoffrey Dupree killed at Cheux 27/6/1944), Syd West,
Bill Edwardes, Tommy Dutton and Barry Freeman.
Colonel Charles Potts, Colonel Mike Gabb, Captain Benny Goodman, Colonel John Reynolds
Major Jim Bates and Sergeant Harry Harrison (hidden)
Left to right: Alan Hitchcock, Major John Bailey, Arthur Line, Alan George, Mick Smith (son of Alfred Smith) and Sergeant Harry Harrison